I spent a little time after that getting those autographs I wanted from Carlo Barberi, Yanick Paquette, and Mike Deodato Jr. I was also hoping to meet Khoi Pham who was listed as attending, but wasn’t on the map and I couldn’t find any table with him at it. Carlo Barberi is one of the artists working on Ultimate Comics X-Men. So far he’s done issues 6, 7, 8, and 12. He let us know that he’ll also be doing more in the later teens. Yanick Paquette was the artist on the first volume of Batman Inc. before the New 52, and has been doing Swamp Thing since then. And finally Mike Deodato Jr. is the artist on New Avengers and has done almost all the issues since 8. He was also the original artist for Secret Avengers and has done a ton of other great stuff too. All the guys were really nice and we got pictures of them, which you can see below.
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Now that I’d gotten all my signatures out of the way, we were back to wandering the floor checking out some of the cool stuff. One of the best things was the Sonic Quake, it’s like a little portal speaker the size of a half dollar only a little thicker, with a cord that plugs into a headphone jack on your phone or laptop or really anything with a headphone jack. Now it wasn’t like a normal speaker that just played the sound, you placed it on another object and it turned that object into a speaker. The guy at the table had it on a styrofoam cooler, a piece of cardboard, a ketchup bottle, all kinds of just random stuff and the bigger the item the louder it got. I was really blown away by it. Apparently you can even put it on the outside of your tub and it makes the whole thing a speaker if you’re taking a bath or a shower.
The last thing we really did was check out the Jedi Lightsaber Training class with Nick Gillard. For anyone who has no idea who Nick Gillard is, if you watched Episode I-III and liked the lightsaber battles, he’s the reason why. Gillard created the style and choreographed the fight scenes in the prequel trilogy. He’s also done a lot of work with game studio’s on Star Wars related games that are doing motion capture to get the proper movements down. Anyway it was $150 dollars to actually take part in the class, which was a little much for me. But they did it right on the show floor so people could watch. We got a ton of pictures, unfortunately I was the one taking them and they didn’t come out very good. It was pretty cool to watch regardless and a few of the pictures came out good enough for me to post (especially considering what JohnScott usually puts up). Also, the guy in the blue and gray shirt is Nick Gillard. Every time I changed spots to get a shot of him from the front he turned around to talk to someone else.
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So that’s it for Wizard World Philadelphia 2012, at least for the One-Quest coverage. It was a fun time and we’ll definitely be heading back again next year. Like it was mentioned on the Saturday article every year they seem to fix the mistakes of the year before and that only makes the convention better. But speaking of mistakes I’ve got to mention a big problem that they had this year. A lot of the celebrities did photo ops where you bought a separate ticket and waited in line and got a professional picture done with the celebrity. It’s a neat idea and all but it’s super expensive usually. And rather than have some kind of setup where you go up and they find or print your picture for you at a certain time, they just put them all out on tables so you can walk right up and grab your picture. This seems to be common practice at a lot of conventions, I know that’s how Baltimore Comic Con dealt with the Stan Lee photo’s last year.
The problem though is someone decided to take over 100 of these photo’s and walk off with them Saturday afternoon. Thus making Wizard World have to reprint all of the photo’s because it would have taken way more time to just try and reprint the missing ones. They did however start to remedy this Sunday with more staff watching over the tables. Something else should really be done about this though. People being able to just take prints at will just doesn’t sound like the way to go. I’ve worked major conventions before and been in charge of portions of them. It’s hard to deal with people in large numbers like that when you have something they need to get, and a solution to the problem isn’t going to come easy, but I’m sure they can come up with something.
Other than that issue though, which didn’t affect me at all it seemed like a really good convention for everyone in attendance. Hopefully come next year it will be just a good, but we’ll have to wait and see! And now to close out this years conventions here are a couple interesting cosplays.
That pretty much wraps up our coverage of Wizard World Philadelphia 2012. If you haven’t seen our other articles make sure you check them out! We’ve also got a video up incase you missed the convention and want to see what all the fuss is about.
Wizard World Philly – Recap Saturday
Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 – Panels and Star Trek Coverage
Wizard World Philly: Video Coverage