No Man’s Sky – First LookWalnuts sat down and played some No Man’s Sky over the last week, and here are his first impressions of it! It’s also our first real video so let us know what you like and what you think we need to work on! |
Review – Gal*Gun: Double PeaceGal*Gun: Double Peace, a sequel to Inti Creates 2011 Gal*Gun is about as anime as anime can get, and if you look past the absurdity and put aside some preconceived notions you’ll find a fast paced and fun game. |
Review – Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode One: Realm of ShadowsBatman: The Telltale Series – Episode One: Realm of Shadows is a great representation of what Batman is to the player, you mold your own Dark Knight and his alter ego Bruce Wayne. |
First Details on Batman – The Telltale Serieselltale has given fans a first look at this summers ‘Batman – The Telltale Series’ including images of Batman with Catwoman, Bruce Wayne in the Batcave, and the Batmobile. Along with the images, we’ve also found out some of the voice cast which includes Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman, and Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle / Catwoman. |
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture – ReviewWhile light on interaction, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is heavy in drama and mystery, and a wonderful game for fans of either. |
Awesome Squre Enix PSN SaleDo you love Final Fantasy? How about Chrono Trigger? Well good news you can get them on PSN to play on your PS3, PSP, or PSVITA right most for just $4.99. Some of the most beloved games in history are here for the picking. And there are a few you probably never even got to play. |
ZombiU coming to Next Gen as “Zombi”ZombiU, the WiiU survival-horror exclusive title, is making the jump from exclusive to third-party cross-platform, cross-generation, title. Now known as Zombi, you can expect to get your hands on this unique take on the zombie apocalypse set in London on August 18th. |
Review – VerdunHow does World War I stack up as a setting in the multi-player First Person Shooter realm? Find out what we think as we review Verdun for PC! |
In Defense of DestinyDestiny is no stranger to controversy. Since day one nearly every major games journalism website has featured an article on the first page, or somewhere close to it, ripping apart some aspect of Destiny. Bungie’s foray into current gen consoles has been polarizing to almost every degree. I can respect the arguments about lack of content, missing story, and pretty much anything else you want to complain about. However, the most recent “fiasco” (read: scandal) is absolutely absurd! What is it about Destiny that makes it unacceptable to do what many other games have been doing for nearly a decade? |
Review – Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 – Zero SumTelltale Games and Gearbox Software team up for one of the most unlikely and entertaining collaborations in gaming history! |