T.W.I.G. 7/13/2014

Sorry about missing the post last week, things were a little hectic with the 4th of July but fear not the TWIG is back! So let’s take a look at the interesting news that has come out in the last 2 weeks!
The News:
- According to an interview with Gamasutra Sony’s Adam Boyes said they considering bringing an “early access” program to the PS4 marketplace. They are seeing how the process of an early access program and the things that would bring to a console ecosystem where gamers expect a higher level of polish on the games they are buying. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.
- EA Sports is looking to make Madden NFL 2015 play more like NFL football and less like “Madden”. They are revamping their “Skills Training” mode and in doing so they want to help players understand better what the plays they are calling mean, like “What is a ‘Cover 2’ defense and how as an offense do you attack it?”. As much as I was uninterested in buying Madden this year, this is pretty exciting news and I may get suckered into buying Madden to see how their new skills trainer.
- Another new Smash Bros 4 character will be announced on July 14th. No real hints have been dropped about who it could be but we will find out tomorrow.
- Rogue Legacy is coming to PlayStation consoles on July 29th. It features cross-buy between PS4, PS4, & Vita and some extra content that is not available on the PC version. This is a game I’ve been waiting to come to the PlayStation since it was hinted that it was coming.
- Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby will have the return of Secret Bases. You will be able to visit other peoples bases via Street Pass or QR codes and that will unlock decorations and other bonuses like faster egg hatching.
- Blizzard has announced the pricing details for the single-player expansion for Hearthstone. Titled Curse of Naxxramas, it will be sold in 5 “wings” of the dungeon, each wing will cost $6.99 but you can buy all 5 for $24.99. Also the first section will be FREE to anyone who gets in the expansion in the launch ‘event’ which according to Blizzard “will last roughly a month or so”. You will also be able to buy the wings for 700 in game gold per wing. If you don’t play Hearthstone you really should, its a simple enough game to get into and has a great amount of depth to learn AND its FREE (with the option to spend real money on card packs if you want, but you can also just use the in game gold like I have).
- SquareEnix has announced Dragon Quest X for the 3DS. The MMORPG will have cross-platform play with the Wii, WiiU, and PC versions of the game and will come with a 60-day free trial. The game releases in Japan on September 4th.
- Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth is coming to PCs this October. It will release on October 24th and cost $49.99.
- Gearbox’s next game is a First-person MOBA titled Battleborn. The game will be coming to PS4, XboxOne, and PC in 2015.
- Epic Games and Gears of War creator Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinski has come out of retirement with a new studio, Boss Key Productions, and a new game currently under the name “Project Bluestreak”. The game is a Free-to-Play “arena based sci-fi shooter” for PC and is being published by Nexon. No word on when the game is expected to release but I’m sure we’ll be hearing plenty of news as development advances.
The new releases:
There’s really not much coming out this week.
- Risen 3: Titan Lords (7/15) – PC

Did You Know
So I didn’t even know, but The Week In Gaming is over 1 year old now! The first post was on 6/9/2013 and I can’t believe I missed the 1 year anniversary. In fairness to myself it was in the lead up week to E3 so that kinda took precedent over remembering when the first post was. So a belated happy birthday to the TWIG!
is a writer, pod-caster, and the resident hater of things (especially Wii) on One-Quest.com. Drootin is a total sports nerd and sports gamer, spending the majority of his time either watching sports or listening to sports radio, often while playing some kind of sports game. He's also a HUGE pro wrestling fan and often tweets during RAW and Pay Per Views.
You can Email Drootin or follow Drootin on Twitter @IAmDroot or Facebook