It’s been a while since we’ve posted about any Humble Bundles, and I thought this one was a good time to break that streak. Right now through May 13, 2014 you can pick up a bunch of awesome comics, and pay whatever you want for them!
For any amount you’ll get East West Vol. 1, Lazarus Vol. 1, Morning Glories Vol. 1 and Fatale Vol 1. If you pay more than the average (which is $9.59 as I type this) you’ll also get Saga Vol 1, Revival Vol. 1, and Chew Vol 1.
So let’s put this in perspective a bit, any one of those books is going to be around $10.00. For less than that you’ll get seven of them. They’re all trades too so between 4-7 issues per book, somewhere over 100 pages. That’s a pretty good deal if I ever saw one. Hell just Saga and Morning Glories alone is enough to make it worth while. The best part, it’s not even done yet, anyone who pays $15.00 or more will also get The Walking Dead Vol. 1 and Vol. 20. Even if you’re not interested in all of the books, there are certainly enough to make it worth while!
So what are you waiting for click the link to the Humble Bundle already!