The Art of Zenescope. . . Going to Amazon!

We’re a little late on this, but Yesterday we found out that Amazon will be exclusively selling a new Zenescope Art book due out later this year.

Comic fans love art books, any time you can have a collection of some of the greatest covers, sketches, and various other works from your favorite artist is awesome. And Zenescope is known for having some of the best cover artist working on their books, so one can only assume this is going to be a high quality book and well worth the money, especially since pre-ordering it through Amazon is going to save your a few dollars!

Read on to see the full announcement from Zenescope and a link to the Amazon Pre-Order page.

Amazon Gets into the Comic Book Exclusive Marketplace with Zenescope Art Book

Amazon, the #1 online retailer, is offering an exclusive Zenescope Art book to its customers, which is available for pre-order now. The art book, entitled The Art of Zenescope Limited Edition (Volume 1) will be released in September and will feature a plethora of the most sought after, limited edition, convention exclusives. The hardcover collection will also come with a limited edition print.

Zenescope Entertainment is well known in the comic book industry for their popular, and valuable convention exclusives that feature pin-up style artwork from some of the finest cover artists in the industry, including J. Scott Campbell, Eric “Ebas” Basaldua, Greg Horn, Ale Garza, Jamie Tyndall, Anthony Spay, Franchesco and Nei Ruffino to name a few. These exclusives have a strong resale value on the secondary marketplace, and are very limited print runs, usually no higher than 500 copies. Zenescope’s horror twist has allowed them to publish many new artistic interpretations of the classic fairy tale characters.

The art book will have a print run of 2500 copies. There will only be 1750 of this art book available through Amazon, as the other 750 of the print run will feature a different cover, and be made available through the direct market through distribution through Diamond.

The Art of Zenescope Limited Edition (Volume 1) is available for pre-order through Amazon

Oh, and here’s the cover from Amazon anyway.

talks a bunch on PodQuest each week. He's also been known to write about stuff from time to time.

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