T.W.I.G. 6/29/2014

Sorry about missing last week but things were a little crazy for me so I just didn’t have time. In any case, the TWIG is back this week with all the gaming news that I could round up from the internets!
The News:
- Mario Kart 8 has become the #4 selling WiiU game having passed 2 million in sales in just under a month. That’s some impressive sales numbers for a game on a console with an install base under 7 million. It will be interesting to see what kind of tail the sales for the game has and/or what kind of spike it gets this Christmas.
- Platinum Games, makers of Metal Gear Rising and Bayonetta, are making a downloadable game based on the Legend of Korra series. Platinum makes damn fine action games so this shouldn’t disappoint. The game will be out on PC, PS3, PS4, 360, and XB1 this fall.
- Metro Redux, the remastered versions of both Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light will be releasing for PS4, XB1, and PC on August 26th. The retail disc version will include both games and cost $49.99 or you can download them each separately for $24.99
- A UK Games Retailer accidentally posted (and then removed) a posting for Sleeping Dogs HD to release on PS4, XB1, and PC.
- The DOtA 2 International 2014 prize pool is up to $10,000,000. Yes, 10 MILLION DOLLARS for a video game tournament. I need to get good at DOtA apparently.
The new releases:
- Divinity: Original Sin (6/30) – PC
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Editon (7/1) – PS4, WiiU, XB1
- Armillo (7/3) – WiiU

is a writer, pod-caster, and the resident hater of things (especially Wii) on One-Quest.com. Drootin is a total sports nerd and sports gamer, spending the majority of his time either watching sports or listening to sports radio, often while playing some kind of sports game. He's also a HUGE pro wrestling fan and often tweets during RAW and Pay Per Views.
You can Email Drootin or follow Drootin on Twitter @IAmDroot or Facebook