PodQuest 8 – Robot Baby

It’s time for Episode 008 of PodQuest just in time for the start of E3 2014! We recorded this episode just last night (Sunday June 8th 2014) so we’re as up to date as possible. By now hopefully you guys no what kind of shenanigans to expect out of us. If you’re new though prepare for some ear lovin’ as we talk about Ultimate Spider-Man, E3 predictions, and all kinds of tangents about various games, most of which aren’t relevant, a little movie rant about criticism over Ant Man’s new director, and occasionally break out into more Comic chit chat.

Some of the games you’ll hear us talk about are Last Guardian, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Witcher, and Uncharted.

This week’s hosts are Eric, Walnut, and myself (Chris), so it’s another smaller group but we still had plenty to say!

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After you’re done listening make sure to come back and comment or just send us an email like we said in the show! We want to hear from you, whether it’s comments, questions, or even those dick pics for Eric.

talks a bunch on PodQuest each week. He's also been known to write about stuff from time to time.

You can Email Chris or follow Chris on Twitter @Just_Cobb or Facebook

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  • One-Quest was founded many millennia ago in a galaxy know as "n00b," by a foundation of Nerds. n00b was a small galaxy ruled by an evil empire, known as the "Hipstars." One-Quest formed with the sole purpose of removing the Hipstar empire from power, and restoring balance to all Nerds...
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