Friday Five – Holiday Traditions

Friday Five December 14, 2012 Holiday Traditions

Welcome to the Friday Five. Each week we help you get acquainted with our writers with the help of a top five list. This week we list our five favorite holiday traditions.

I got a lot of flack from the group for this category. Apparently few of us have traditions or things we consider traditions in our holiday lives. I stuck to my guns, and here we have it. Just one small list of things a few of us like most about the holidays. As for everyone else, you suck. Enjoy!


  1. Making Gingerbread houses, or this year, a train.
  2. The Christmas celebration with my dad’s family. This year it’s probably going to be skipped though because my aunt is getting surgery just a few days before.
  3. Baking. Obviously I like to bake and cook, but during the holidays I don’t have to eat it all myself.

Christmas Cookies


  1. 24 Hours of A Christmas Story – Like I said last week, I love this movie! I actually turned my cable back on last year to watch this on TBS. I think I’ll do that again this year. . .
  2. Hiding gifts from my wife – We’ve lived in our house for almost 3 years now, and we’ve celebrated just as many Christmases here. We don’t have too many hiding spots, so we have to get a little creative. I still get nervous when she get’s too close to the hiding places I choose.
  3. Decorating – Every year I dread it. Primarily because I’m lazy and would rather sit around and do nothing. But when all is said and done, I feel a certain sense of pride which I look forward to every year.
  4. Cookies!!! – Not baking them. Nope! I’m more of the chef type, not much of a baker. But, eating cookies is where it’s at!
  5. Pranking my brother – Walnuts and I have an. . . interesting relationship. I like to do something every year that messes with his head a bit. I think it’s payback for the 7 straight years he got me Jacks for christmas. Or I’m just a terrible person. Either way, I get immense enjoyment out of it.

A Christmas Story


  1. Watching Movies – I usually get at least one movie for Christmas every year, so I always love to spent a couple hours watching it! It’s one of the few times I actually watch the movies right after I get them.
  2. Not Traveling – When I was little I use to love getting to go to my families various houses and get presents, now not so much, luckily we’re doing that on Christmas Eve this year so Christmas Day will be spent at home having a good time!
  3. Decorations – I’m not really a big fan of doing the decorating, but I really like when you’re out at night and all the crazy people with too much free time have these really elaborate displays of lights going on.
  4. Extra Time Off Work – Christmas was pretty much the only Holiday I ever got off when I worked retail, and now that I’m out of that terrible business I get 2 days off no matter where Christmas Falls it’s awesome!
  5. Gifts – I’ve always actually enjoyed giving my immediate family there gifts. More so after I was able to afford to buy them more than like 15 dollar gift cards.

House lite up for Christmas


  1. All the Christmas movies- which I have yet too see this year. A christmas story is the best background noise on christmas day. Also LOVE Home Alone 1 and 2. Screw 3.
  2. COOKIES! – Of course Toll house is always the go to, but I’m starting to try new recipes each year. Have to keep my quality control, Eric, on his toes.
  3. Christmas Eve picky foods in our jams while watching christmas movies.
  4. Driving around on christmas eve to see all the pretty christmas lights. However, I think we need a new route this year, our more creative neighbors.
  5. Goofing around with Eric while putting up decorations. He’s trying to get it done in a timely matter to get more game time in. And here I am, getting in the way and prolonging the activity.

Muppet Christmas Carol BluRay

talks a bunch on PodQuest each week. He's also been known to write about stuff from time to time.

You can Email Chris or follow Chris on Twitter @Just_Cobb or Facebook

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