Take It Or Leave It – October 9, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
I’m not going to say a lot this week, so lets just get to Take It Or Leave It!
Alphabetical by Publisher
DC Comics | IDW Publishing | Image Comics | Marvel Comics | Zenescope Entertainment
Green Lantern Corps #24
It seems like at this point Green Lantern books should just be advertised as one giant interconnected story. As soon as one major crossover finishes up in them they start a new one. On the bright side they haven’t been that bad. I had some trouble following Rise of the Third Army and Wraith of the First Lantern because I was only really following the main Green Lantern title. This time I’m doing it different, and Lights Out is actually looking to be pretty good because of it. It’s just 2 issues in, but I’m liking what they’re doing here, though I feel like the only way to make an enemy for the Lanterns to take down is to make him either really old or something similar. It’s to the point where if one group of Lanterns can’t win you just get the others. Lights Out is taking that option away by just completely draining all of the power from the emotional spectrum, it’s different and that’s a good thing. This issue of Green Lantern Corps has a lot of John Stewart being pretty badass getting a plan together ready to sacrifice everything to save as many other Green Lanterns as he can. This could probably be a pretty good entry point if you want to start reading Corps too, but haven’t really done it yet. Well that’s if you’ve at least been reading Green Lantern already.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Superman Wonder Woman #1
I’m not really a big fan of either of these characters. It’s not that I dislike them, just that their stories don’t usually pull me in the way other heroes do. The only Superman books I’ve been able to really enjoy have been Unchained and Superman Batman. That being the case I thought maybe a team up book with Wonder Woman would bring me around a little more on these characters. So far though, that’s not the case. They just don’t seem to have enough chemistry going on, the whole relationship they have feels forced. The couple pages of it in Justice League felt a lot more substantial than an entire book about it. Maybe after another issue or two it will open up some more, but right now I just can’t find any reason to keep reading the book.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 4/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Ghostbusters #8
I don’t talk about Ghostbusters nearly enough, but it’s a really fun read especially if you grew up loving the movies. It just feels very true to those. Issue 8 continues the story from before with Winston in Vegas trying to take down a Ghost on his own for a free vacation, Egon is losing his mind, and everyone else is trying to take down ghost pirates which is pretty awesome. I can’t really say much else other than start reading Ghostbusters you’ll thank me in the morning.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
America’s Got Powers #7
One year and six months. . . That’s how long it took for 7 issues of America’s Got Powers to come out. I think last time an issue came out I mentioned that even though it’s a great story at this point it’s just not worth buying. That still holds true with the final issue, it’s a great finale and I really enjoyed it, but I barely remember how we got there. Just do yourself a favor, skip the issue and pick up the trade in a couple months, Image is awesome at getting this stuff out quickly in a collected edition. And trust me it’s worth reading, but as one whole story.
Verdict: Leave It – Wait for the trade
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Infinity #4
I hate to say this, but I actually enjoyed a bit of this issue. I know I said that last time too, and it’s not an easy thing to admit. The story as a whole is still just a huge mess, but this issue had a couple really outstanding pages. Basically all the ones with Thor. I was pretty uninterested in all the Thanos and Inhuman stuff, but that happened too. I would honestly say this book is worth buying just for the Thor stuff, he’s a badass and everyone in the universe should know it. Other than that though, you can probably just skip the book, maybe just flip through at the store or something.
Verdict: Leave It – But check out the Thor parts
Score: 6/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Wolverine #10
The current volume of Wolverine didn’t really start out awesome, but it’s certainly grown on me. I’m really enjoying the Killable story. I mean we all know Wolverine isn’t going to die, he’s going to get his healing factor and all back, but the way his character he being handled just feel real. If you found out all of a sudden that you could be hurt and die, and the way you’re use to acting not only hurts, but could be fatal you’d be pretty sad too. The team up with Kitty is nice too, those two have an interesting relationship, I’ve always preferred this one to Wolverine and Jubilee, mostly because I don’t like Jubilee. Anyway, while the effects won’t last forever, I think this a pretty good story and worth reading if you’re a Wolverine fan.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Grimm Fairy Tales 2013 Halloween Special Edition
I wasn’t really feeling this book at first, it felt a little silly. Sela, Red, and Robin all get invited to a party and immediately get their cloths changed into skimpy little outfits. Then I realized what the outfits were, and that made me laugh a bit. But going further the story ended up being interesting. Sort of pitting each of them against something that would generally be kind of a big deal, if they weren’t all such badasses in the book. One of the nice things about this holiday special is it gives us a nice little teaser at the end for some stuff that I’m sure will be big in the coming months.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Tyler Kirkham’s Screwed #5
Screwed is a really weird book, but it’s good. I like that we’ve slowly learned more and more about the characters and what’s going on. We haven’t had huge gaps with nothing really happening, or finding out to much. We’re given just enough info each story to keep us going and caring what happens. With only one issue left, we don’t have a lot more to find out either, so the final issue is probably going to be pretty action packed, which this series has had plenty of, and that’s not a bad thing!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris