Take It Or Leave It – October 30, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
And we’re back! It’s been a couple weeks since our last installment of Take It Or Leave It, but we’re back with a slightly scaled back edition. I’m terribly backed up on comics right now, Final Fantasy XIV took over my free time for a while. But I’m trying to burn through my backlog and hopefully by next week we’ll be back to a the full glory of Take It Or Leave It! Anyway, enough chit chat lets get to the reviews.
Alphabetical by Publisher
Boom! Studios | DC Comics | IDW Publishing
Image Comics | Marvel Comics | Valiant Entertainment | Zenescope Entertainment | Quick Shots
Green Lantern Annual #2
When Lights Out started my big complaint was we just got done with an incredibly long Green Lantern universe crossover, and now they’re starting another. On the bright side this story only ran through one of each issue, the downside is you really can’t follow the story if you didn’t read them all. Now while this certainly isn’t ideal, it was a fun ride. I actually found myself reach the conclusion and wishing it would go on a little longer, just so we could get a little more information. There’s so many twists and turns I feel like I should now be reading all of the Green Lantern books rather than just the primary book. Hell I’m even interested in checking out Red Lanterns now. Which I suppose is exactly what DC was hoping for, to draw new readers into stories that they may not have read otherwise. Well good job DC you succeeded at least with me, well half succeeded I can’t promise I’ll be reading any of the books, but I certainly wouldn’t mind doing it. Anyway This final issue of Lights Out is a pretty hefty book and has a bit higher of a price, but a lot really goes on it, and there’s some nice conclusions and cliffhangers left at the end. One thing I noticed was missing, and I’m a huge sucker for is that big hero moment. It was almost there, but just fell a little short and that was a bit of a disappointment. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, that’s a minor problem.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Witchblade #170
The whole Top Cow Universe is a really interesting place, I’ve recently really gotten into it and have been trying to take in as much of it as possible. Witchblade is probably the best of the universe at the moment with plenty of stuff happening in recent issues. And now with issue 170 popular Witchblade writer Ron Marz returns and jumps us, along with Sara quite a ways into the future. We meet up with Sara while she’s a sheriff in a small town in New York, and holy shit she doesn’t have the Witchblade anymore. The issue is full of all kinds of mystery as to how Sara reached her current situation, and a few flashbacks and nightmares slowly start to shed some light on it. I’m especially curious to see how this will play out in the other books like Darkness and Artifacts, well really if they’ll effect them at all. I’m a few issues behind in those two, so I’m not sure if they too will be following a time jump. Either way, Witchblade is looking to be going in an interesting direction, with plenty of questions that need answering. Oh and lets not forget there’s a couple big surprises in the book too! If you’re a Witchblade fan you’ll enjoy this, and if you’re not, but you like Supernatural stories, give it a shot!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Infinity #5
And now for the final book this week, I know three is pretty low, I was busy reading back issues to get caught up though! That said, Infinity is just another chapter in a story that really didn’t need to be told. This whole thing would have played out just as well as a minor crossover in just Avengers and New Avengers. Instead it’s a full blow event and taking over other books I actually enjoy like Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy. On the bright side over the last couple of issues, the main Infinity books have gotten more interesting. Not quite enough to save the series but enough to not make me want to scream anymore. A small part of me is actually looking forward to the Avengers coming back to earth with a whole god damn fleet of allies to take down Thanos. That should be awesome, unfortunately with the way this stories been going, I’m probably going to be disappointed with it. Hopefully in the handful of books Hickman has left to wrap this story up we get some actually answers and closure.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 5/10
Reviewed By: Chris