Take It Or Leave It – March 6, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
Here we are again, another Take It Or Leave It. We’re continuing with the sprucing up of the layout for the article but first and foremost we’re focusing on this weeks comics! There were a lot of really solid books this week like Fairy Quest, Son of Merlin, and Green Lantern. And some not so good ones like Detective Comics and Avengers. We also saw the start of the LONG awaited Age of Ultron, and just wait till you read what we though. So now lets get to it.
Alphabetical by Publisher
Fairy Quest #2
Creators: Jenkins – Ramos – Olea
Fairy Quest #2 picks up right where the first one left off, Red and Wolf are trapped in a cage by a certain boy who’s friends are all lost and hangs out with a fairy. Anyway like the first issue this was just a lot of fun, there are a ton of books putting a twist on classic fairy tales and stories right now. Some are better than others, but a lot of them go darker, like most of the source material. The fun part of Fairy Quest is that it’s dark, but still very childlike and fun. The way the characters interact and are portrayed is probably the best part about these books. The heroes aren’t always the good guys, and they don’t always have the relationship you’d expect. If you missed out on the first issue, do yourself a favor and go find it, and while you’re there get issue 2 as well. Just be prepared, it ends with a To Be Continued. . . and we don’t have any idea when that’ll happen, the sooner the better though!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Detective Comics #18
Creators: Layman – Fabok
The big death in Batman Incorporated #8 last week is all over the DC Universe, well it’s all over the Bat-Family books, which make up a good portion of the DC Universe so whatever. As is often the case, a cover for a comic book can be very misleading, and I’ll talk more about this later. By looking at this issue you’d think it dealt a lot with Bruce coming to terms with Damian’s demise. Nope, there’s a brief seen with him and Alfred at the grave and that’s it. You do at least get the feeling that he’s a bit more on age and angry as he’s taking down criminals which is good, that’s what you expect out of him. I would have liked more introspective though, hopefully that comes through in the next issues of Batman and Robin or Batman. So while Bruce’s feeling are a driving force for this issue, Mr. Cobblepots are. We see a lot of the Penguin in this issue, but not a lot really happens other than he’s screwed over by someone close to him. Probably the best part of the issue was the backup story featuring Zsasz, who we found out was released from Arkham during the Joker’s reign in Death of the Family. I can’t say this was really worth reading, it’s not nearly as good as some of the other Bat-Books out there that you should probably wait for.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 6/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Green Arrow #18
Creators: Lemire – Sorrentino
I’ve never read a Green Arrow comic before, never been a fan. He’s a poor man’s Hawkeye, which is ironic since he’s rich and debuted 20ish years before Clint hit comic books. That said, I have been watching the Arrow TV series and enjoy it a lot. So I heard Jeff Lemire was taking over on Green Arrow and giving it a bit of a revamp, what better time to check it out then now? Well really last issue was have been, but I’m late what can I say. Anyway while Oliver isn’t my go-to archer I did enjoy the book, it wasn’t over the top with crazy archery stuff or silly jokes. Oliver is in a bad place and he’s got to find his own way out, well with a little help. He’s no Hawkguy bro, but if this book is going to stay like this, I’m down for the ride.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Green Lantern #18
Creators: Johns – Kudranski – Syaf – Irwin
This has been the first issue of Green Lantern in months that I’ve enjoyed from start to finish. I liked that Simon was in the dead zone with Hal and Sinestro, and there interactions were exactly what you expect. The arguments between Hal and Sinestro about who should get the ring were funny. Topping that had to be the brief fight between Simon and Sinestro, it’s pretty obvious Simon doesn’t know his ring well enough to take on Sinestro with it, whether the later has one or not. The great part is he still manages to take him down, mid-gloat even! If you’ve been following Green Lantern for a while you kind of saw the outcome of this book coming from a mile away but it didn’t make it any less powerful. Johns is definitely bringing his story to a close and you know nothings going to be the same. . . “My name is Hal Jordon. . . You probably know the rest”
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Worlds Finest #10
Creators: Levitz – Maguire
Another book I’ve never read before, and another one I picked up to see how it tied in to the death of Damian Wayne last week. Like Dective Comics the issue features a cover promoting an emotional issue of characters grieving over a lost friend, or not-brother. The problem, like Detective Comics before it, there wasn’t really any of that. We got to see Power girl cause an earth quake, and Huntress break into a building before it detours to them at Damian’s grave with Huntress in tears. It’s a weird relationship there anyway, I guess Damian has appeared in this book at some point as they seemed to be familiar with him. But those few pages of grief that were quickly taken over by anxiety as Huntress didn’t want to meet her not-dad for the first time yet, then quickly crack a joke as Power Girl flies her away. Another disappointment in the light of the death last week, and I just can’t see this being a strong enough series to warrant buying every week. So for now I’d say leave it alone and pick up something better.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 5/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Bedlam #5
Creators: Spencer – Rossmo – Irving
I thought I understood this book, after the first issue it seemed kind of straight forward in a crooked kind of away. Now I just don’t know, nothing was revealed. Fillmore is helping the cops, and now he’s really helping, only he’s not. And in the past Madder Red is cured, at least I think it’s the past. I just don’t know anymore. I don’t even know if Fillmore is Madder Red or if he’s just a nut job. I really can’t wait to find out though. This book is Nick Spencer at his best, nothing makes a damn bit of sense, but I want to know more immediately! And Riley Rossmo’s art just helps to make me feel crazy as I’m reading it. If you want something psychological, and creepy, and confusing, and awesome get Bedlam!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Epic Kill #9
Creators: Ienco
The penultimate chapter of Epic Kill delivers quite a lot. As usual there’s a ton of action, but we also start to get a feel for just how Song has been able to do all of these crazy things. The issue jumps around a bit from her taking out her enemies to being trapped on a snowy mountain, still not wearing shoes. With so much being built up this issue, I hope it can all get wrapped up in the next. Not only that it ends on such a downer. With only one issue left if you’re just coming on board it’s a little late, I’d say wait for a trade. Otherwise it’s a good issue, and hopefully next month has a fitting ending.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Mara #3
Creators: Wood – Doyle – Bellaire
This book is really different, and I like it. Sure there are some super powers going on, but no superheroing. And the powers aren’t at all what we’re use to. Mara has a lot of social commentary going on though too, it shows just how obsessed the public gets with actors, athletes, musicians, pretty much anyone even remotely famous. Mara kind of embodies all of that and then some as she’s got these crazy powers going on and the world doesn’t know how to deal with it. This isn’t the book to read if you want a run book with witty banter and all that, but if you want something different and interesting definitely give it a shot.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Repossessed #3
Creators: Ringuet
I started out with issue 1 really liking this series, it’s kind of lost my interest though. The second issue just wasn’t as good, this third one started to pick back up, but whether they can keep it that way through the finish line is a definite maybe. The group is split up, but they’re both still on the trail of this demon, for different reason though. There are a lot of reveals though, and some crazy ones I didn’t see coming. The ending left a lot of questions to be answered and what should be a cool fight scene next month! I don’t think this series is quite right for individual issues, definitely wait and pick it up as a trade.
Verdict: Leave It – Wait for the trade
Score: 6/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Son of Merlin #2
Creators: Napton – Zid
I said this last month, but I’m a sucker for this kind of book. Merlin is such a fun character, and while he’s not in it, this book is still a great read. If you’re into all the magic and mystery that you’d expect with Merlin in the title you’ll enjoy the ride as much as I have. The book picks up with Simon and Gwen running from Morgana’s goons and quickly transitions into a training issue. With Gwen teaching Simon just how to use the amazing powers he has and giving him a few history lessons along the way. There’s definitely going to be some kind of romance between those to, it’s pretty obvious, well unless they kill Gwen which wouldn’t be too far-fetched. Biggest complaint I have so far is it’s only a 5 issue series, hopefully it does well enough to get a sequel, or they just kill everything so nothing can continue. That’s good too.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Witchblade #164
Creators: Seeley – Bernard – Benes – Prianto
The Progeny story line continues here with part 2, following up from where Artifacts #25 left off last week. If you missed that issue, or just don’t read it you won’t miss a lot but it definitely helps to have the full story. The issue takes place over the span of a few hours as we jump back and forth a few times. And there is a great confrontation between Sara and Jackie feel right. I’m not a long time reader of these books, so I’m learning all this history as it goes and to find out such big revelations and have them almost immediately confront each other about them is pretty awesome. I’m usually not a big fan of cross overs that require you to read various books, especially if I don’t already read them. Progeny has been worth it so far and it’s making me a bigger fan of the Top Cow universe with each issue.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Age of Ultron #1
Creators: Bendis – Hitch – Neary – Mounts
This is how marvel should do event comics all the time. Give the creator like 3 years to plan and plot and all that, this is the first event I’ve read that didn’t start out slow and stay that way for the whole first issue. We get thrown right into a world ruled by Ultron, with our heroes outmatched and in hiding. The rules got thrown out, they do what they need to do to survive and that’s really what it should be like. I’m sure a lot of people are going to compare this to Age of Apocalypse, which is a far comparison, but don’t think it’s going to be the same. Ties that were severed during AvX appear to be mended, and the remaining heroes have been through so much that nothing is out of the question. One big glaring error in the book is Spider-Man, he appears to be the pre-700 Peter Parker, which while I’m not mad about could pose some problems if its’ not explained. Espeically with the Superior Spider-Man AU tie-in coming soon. Anyway if you’re one of those people who generally avoid the events Marvel does every year, this one might be worth checking out. Bryan Hitch doesn’t do nearly enough comics to miss out on this anyway his artwork alone is enough reason to pick this book up.
Also just because it’s great here’s the full Scottie Young babies cover:

Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
All-New X-Men #8
Creators: Bendis – Marquez – Garcia
Issue 8 is just as good as every other issue has been, and nothing really happened. Angel and Angel took out some Hydra goons, and the Cap had a conversation with Beast. Oh young Angel had a breakdown near the end, but who can blame him, aside from Jean he’s probably got the crappiest future. The highlight of this issue was the talk between Beast and Captain America as performed by Bobby Drake and Kitty Pryde. We don’t really see much of their actual conversation but the things that Kitty and Bobby come up with is just to good not to be considered the full conversation. It also showed how those two could end up having this relationship that’s been building for a while now they’re both kind of goofy. All-New X-Men is probably the best X-Book on the shelves right now so if you’ve been skipping it your doing yourself a disservice. Issue 8 is a fine place to pick up if you at least already know the gist of what’s happening so get to it!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Iron Man #7
Creators: Gillen – Land – Leisten – Guru
Finally Iron Man doesn’t suck anymore, those first 5 issue were painful. Issue 6 started to improve, but now that we see what’s going on, I’m fully on board for Tony Starks current adventures. Tony is being put on trial by this ancient alien race for pretty much every crime they can think of for his part in the destruction of the Phoenix. So what does he do? He invokes an old right that these aliens haven’t used in ages where he gets to fight his way to not guilty with his fists. And that’s it, there isn’t any armor to help him this time, for every charge he’s been brought up on a new opponent will step up to challenge him. It’s a pretty cool plot device and I’m looking forward to seeing how the next issue picks up after the final reveal at the end of issue 7. And I really want to know when Guardians of the Galaxy are going to turn up so we can get both their book and this one synced up!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Superior Spider-Man #5
Creators: Slott – Camuncoli – Dell – Delgado – Fabela
We’ve now 5 issue into the run of Otto Octavius as the Superior Spider-Man, at this point I’m a break record for saying how good it is, but seriously it is! All you naysayers who were up in arms and raging out after issue 700 should really give this a shot if you haven’t already. Some may not love it, but you’ll have to admit it’s not that bad, and it really works. Sure the whole ghost Pete thing gets a little tired, but it still makes sense, well as much sense as a ghost imprint of a dead spirit that has some weird connection to his old mind and body which is now inhabited by an enemy can make. It’s funny, Otto really is superior at the whole crime fighting thing, he thinks ahead of his enemies and comes up with plenty if inventions to help him along the way. The way he finishes the fight with Massacre just goes to show, he’s no Peter Parker. That said, he’s not a superior hero and really that’s what Spider-Man is, anyone can fight crime if they really wanted to, but not everyone has what it takes to be a hero.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris C.
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #22
Creators: Humphries – Bennet – Jose – Milla
Just when I think I’m starting to like the Ultimates again this issue happens. God damn this is frustrating, all these ‘new’ heroes they introduce as the West Coast Ultimates aren’t all that new. I’ve thought this for a while, but ever since Ultimatum it’s like they just said ‘screw continuity’, everything that happened doesn’t really matter now. I think at this point I’m reading the Ultimates out of habit, I have almost no hope left for it. It’s not even like my problems with the continuity are it, the issue just wasn’t very good. The only highlight were the scenes with Tony and Anthony which still boggle my mind, but at least they’re good unlike the rest of the book.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 4/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Venom #32
Creators: Bunn – Shalvey – Loughridge
Venom has been a great book from the get-go, but now that he’s in Philly I’m liking it even more. It’s just nice to have a hero stationed in my neck of the woods. But that’s not it, they’re giving Flash a new life, he’s not getting cut entirly from his old one, we hear references to him mom and Peter Parker (who won’t return his calls. . . Some superior friend he is). Flash isn’t just running around being a hero, he’s still needs to work to afford rent and all, as he said early on, superheroes don’t make a great salary. It’s cool how much this character, who was once just a member of the Spidey supporting cast has grown and changed. Even him looking at the “Jock” of the high school he’s working for and thinking how ridiculous he must have been it’s great character growth. And lets not forget that Venom isn’t the only Symboite as we get to see some more Eddie Brock and his new BFF Toxin! Not a lot of action here, but a lot of great setup for what can only be an epic Symbiote Vs. Symbiote battle!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Winter Soldier #16
Creators: Latour – Klein
I love that even with his re-creator gone Bucky is still a great character! Ed Brubaker brought him back and gave him this new identity and really did wonders with it. Now with the second issue of Latour and Klein’s run I have no reservations, it’s still the sleek espionage thriller that it was before. But with a bit more emotion, a lot of that is brought on by the outcome of Brubakers last story and the end of the relationship between Bucky and Natasha. Bucky is in a bad place right now and he’s only got his work to keep him on track. There’s a lot of intrigue and stuff going on here and it’s definitely not new reader friendly but if you want a different kind of superhero book this is a great choice without going to far into left field. You get the familiar feel of the Marvel Universe but less of the Hulks, Gods, and multi-colored onesies.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Shadowman #5
Creators: Jordan – Zircher – Reber
Never read Shadowman before, and I’m kind of disappointed about that. Issue 5 didn’t have a ton of stuff happening, but there was enough going on that I’m interested. The character interactions were all really interesting and I want to know what the hell is going on here. It’sp only 5 issues in so I’m sure it won’t be hard to catch up as the months go on, so if you haven’t jumped on bored Shadowman yet now’s probably as good a time as any. It’s got super powers that are kind of dark and twisted, and diners, and weird bad guys with guns, and a chick who can talk to ghost through things they owned while alive. If that doesn’t sound interesting to you then why the hell are you reading comic books?
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Best of Zenescope Special Edition One Shot
Creators: Brusha – Tedesco – Gregory – Wickline – Shand
So right up front lets spell this book out. It’s not new, but it’s not old either, for the most part it’s reprints of some of the more popular first issues of Zenescope titles specifically Grimm Fairy Tales #8, Return To Wonderland #0, Sinbad #0, and Neverland #0. So if you’ve never read those and are interested to see what they were like before diving into trades or looking for issues here’s a great start!
Now for the real draw of the issue, a special prequel story to the Unleased event starting soon. We get to find out a bit more about what The Being is up to, and just what characters this is really going to effect from the Grimm Universe. If your looking forward to Unleashed then this is a must have, regardless it’s a fun read for anyone wanting to delve into some of the great series in the Grimm Universe.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris