All-New Invaders #3
I think I’ve mentioned before, but Winter Soldier is one of my favorite characters. I didn’t really start reading a Captain America book until Bucky had already taken up the mantel, and was on trials. From there I ended up going back to see exactly how Brubraker got this hero of the 1940’s to this point, and as you probably already know, it was awesome enough that they’re putting it into a movie! Anyway long story short, I’ll pretty much buy any book with Winter Soldier in it. So I’ve obviously been reading All-New Invaders, and while it hasn’t been the book I was expecting it to be, it’s been a fun ride. Things are really getting worked up by issue 3, and more characters from the 1940’s are showing up. I feel like those Golden Age heroes don’t often get the recognition they deserve. Sure you’ve got Cap, and Batman, and Superman, and Namor is always lurking around some corner of the Marvel Universe. But what about Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch, or so many other awesome characters. Well All-New Invaders is using them, and they’re making it a fun ride in a modern setting. One of the best parts about this is, unlike Cap, all the other guys have experienced the past 70 years. Sure Bucky was frozen for decades at a time, and Hammond hasn’t always been…put together? But we’re not just getting a bunch of heroes misplaced by time banding together. It’s heroes, who have one hell of a history together, who would die for one another, coming together decades after helping to protect the free world in WWII. And they’re doing it not just to save the world, but to help each other out. Namor is captured, the others have been attacked, and now together they’re going to save their friend or die trying. I know this is getting a little wordy, but these are really some of the best characters in comics. It take something special for a character to last 70 or 80 years, and all these guys have in one form or another. Now to get real about it for a minute, it’s not the best book on the stands, but it’s fun and that’s how comics were supposed to be back when these guys were punching Nazis, and I’m okay with that.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris