Take It Or Leave It – July 17, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
Super light this week, but some really solid books. Trinity War keeps. . . uh moving along? Meanwhile Marvel and Image released some really great books! It’s a good time to be a comic fan. Oh don’t forget it’s SDCC weekend so keep an eye to the internet for all kinds of great news. Like Superior Spider-Man is FINALLY going to face off against Agent Venom! Enough of that though, lets get to why you’re here in the first place
Alphabetical by Publisher
DC Comics | Image Comics | Marvel Comics
Justice League Of America #6
Trinity War Part 2 is here, and while we still don’t really know what’s going on, things are much easier to follow this time around. There were some great scenes between Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman that really show their relationship pretty well. The downside is there are just so many characters on these teams that we don’t get much development. I felt the Artwork was pretty inconsistent too, some pages looked beautiful and other were just lacking depth and detail. Overall though, I think this was a better issue than last weeks Justice League 22, and gives me hope for Trinity War as a whole. Now I just hope next issue lets us know what the real force behind everything is and why we should care. Until then I’m going to stand by what I said last week, if you don’t plan on going the distance with Trinity War it’s probably worth skipping this issue. Really being only 6 issue into the series, it almost feels like this series was started strictly for this event which is kind of lame.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Aphrodite IX #3
This book continues to keep me interested, without really explaining anything. I’m sure if you’re familiar with the whole Aphrodite IX story you’ll have a better idea of what’s going on. For me though, as a new comer I’m a bit lost, but it’s a good lost. Like what you get while watching/reading a good mystery, you know something is going on, but you don’t know what yet. If you haven’t started reading this series yet I suggest getting on board before you get left to far behind! Things are really starting to get interesting and no one seems to be safe.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Artifacts #29
Artifacts is such a strange book, but it’s great if you want a nice dose of fantasy magical stuff in your comics. After the last 2 issue arc looking for one of the other Artifacts we get an interesting look at what it was like for Tom being dead in hell. I don’t know if that was something that played out in the books at all since I only started reading back in December, but it was pretty cool regardless. Tom’s partner in crime Tilly ends up traveling all the way to hell with him. It’s kind of like What Dreams May Come only not nearly as bad and with a lot less Cuba Gooding Jr. I don’t know if this is going to have a lasting effect on the over arching story, but it’s was pretty cool and worth a read.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Nova #6
Well the opening arc of Nova is over, and with that a big team switch, which is more than okay in my book. Taking over for Loeb and McGuinness are the killer team of Zeb Wells and Paco Medina. And on top of that, the story has jumped ahead in time to be a little more current. If you read AvX last year you know the Sam played a part in that whole story, and now with issue 6 we’re seeing what happened after Thor extended an invitation to join with The Avengers. Now I will say nothing really happens in this issue, it’s a lot of character stuff and showing that Sam is still just a kid who has rules he has to follow. On the bright side it looks like he’s going to be doing some Super Hero-ing come next months issue 7! Oh and did I mention that I love Zeb Wells and Paco Medina? Man those guys are great. I still miss Medina working on Ultimate Comics X-Men.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Savage Wolverine #7
Another Marvel book with an amazing team like Nova, and oh look part of that team is Zeb Wells again! If you missed last issue of Savage Wolverine you may be a little confused as to the shift. Frank Cho’s arc is over and now we get the team that gave us the opening arc to Avenging Spider-Man, the fantastic Zeb Wells and legendary Joe Madureira. The issue continues where 6 left off with Wolverine teaming up with Elektra to take down the Hand before they resurrect Bullseye. It’s a little silly of a story, but it works, and everything flows really well. I wasn’t a big fan of the first arc of this book, Cho’s artwork was great, but the story was just kind of boring and seemed to be throwing characters in just for the hell of it. This arc is going a lot better though and I hope Wells and Madureira stick around for at least a bit longer than one story.
Verdict:Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris