It’s the first week of February, and boy did this month start out with some great comic releases! Today we’re covering some interesting titles like Son of Merlin, Superior Spider-Man, and the final issues of Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood, along with so many more now lets get started.
This was a DC-less week for me, all the usually books have the week off. Luckily there were plenty of other titles from some other publishers, including a few that surprised me with how good they were. Probably the best book I read this week was All-New X-Men, Bendis has been doing one hell of a job with that book. That’s to be expected though, as the guy definitely knows how to write a comic.
Fairy Quest #1
Creators: Jenkins – Ramos – Olea
Boom! Studios
To be honest, I didn’t actually read Fairy Quest #1. What I did read was the hard cover trade from the Kickstater which covered both of the single issues. Enough about that though, on with the book!
There are a lot of fairy tale inspired things out right now. Each one doing a different variation on these famous stories. You’ve got shows like Grimm and Once Upon a Time, comics like the Grimm Fairy Tale books by Zenescope, Fables from Vertigo, along with several others. Let’s not even talk about the movies, of which there are several. So what makes Fairy Quest any different? Why bother reading this when there’s so much other material on the same subject? Well for starters it’s a really well done story. Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos are two top names in comics, and they definitely deliver. Sure the market for fairy tale related series is a bit over saturated at the moment, but when one is done right it still stands out. The general theme and the plot of the book feel right, and the twist of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf being friends is actually kind of reminiscent of The Fox and the Hound. . . or that might just be me. Basically it’s a fun book and definitely worth checking out, especially if that means volume 2 will come out sooner!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #18
Creators: Eastman – Waltz – Bates – Pattison
At the end of issue 17 our heroes on the half shell made their first trip to Dimension X in this series. And issue 18 picks up right from there with the Turtles stuck in a battle between two ‘alien’ species and not really knowing what’s going on. This book has such a nostalgia factor for my age group, it’s easy to think that we’re all viewing this book with some pretty strong rose colored glasses. Thankfully that’s not the case, it’s really being well done. We’re getting an original take on these classic heroes (is it okay to call them classic or am I jumping the gun?), but there’s still plenty of crowd pleasers thrown in. And now that the book is finally getting all of it’s major players introduced to each other. It’s only a matter of time before Shredder and the Foot meets up with Krang, whether it’s an alliance or a three way battle between The Foot, Krang’s men, and the Turtles is yet to be seen but it’s definitely going to be fun. This issue probably isn’t the greatest jumping on point, but if you’re familiar with the turtles and you can deal with a bit of confusion I’m sure you can get caught up in no time.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Epic Kill #8
Creators: Ienco
Image Comics
Epic Kill isn’t a good book to jump on in the middle. After 8 issues I still find I’m a little confused from time to time. It’s a fun book though, lots of action and some really weird supernatural dream things too. The action is all kind of ridiculous and over the top and that’s probably what makes it fun. Just looking at the cover you’re probably thinking Kill Bill, and you really wouldn’t be all that far off. It’s revenge, and martial arts, and a girl killing lots of people. Not a lot wrong with that, definitely worth tracking down the first 7 issues before jumping into 8 though, just so you know what’s going on.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Repossessed #2
Creators: Ringuet
Image Comics
The first issue of Repossessed really piqued my interest, after all who doesn’t like demon killers? The second issue just didn’t feel like it moved the story along enough. Issue 2 just seems to be more of the characters running around pulling demons out of people and killing. I know, I know, that doesn’t really sound like a bad thing, but it kind of is. The story that got setup in the first one had a lot of mystery to it, trying to figure out what’s going on with this girl they’re looking for. That still sorta exists in issue two but it was pushed to the side a lot more. This could still end up being a really good series, but I just didn’t feel this second installment the way I did with the first.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 6/10
Son of Merlin #1
Creators: Napton – Zid – Peteri
Image Comics
I’m a sucker for stuff like this. I always loved movies and stuff about King Author and Merlin when I was a kid, but who didn’t it was a King and his wizard friend. So when I saw this book I decided I would have to give it a try. Now the general plot isn’t all that original, a powerful characters long lost son must learn his birth right and save the world sort of deal. It’s been done before, but something about it still felt fresh and interesting. There were famous character from the Author legends, along with the new characters made up for the book. It’s got this kind of fantasy spy thriller feel going on. The first issue does what any first issue does, it sets up the main character and gives us an idea of what’s going on. It’s nothing groundbreaking but still enough to keep a reader interested and wanting more. It’s hard to tell if this series is going to pay off in the end, but the first issue was good enough to stick around for a few more and find out.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
All-New X-Men #7
Creators: Bendis – Marquez – Gracia
Marvel Comics
Oh Bendis you and your books always get me! All-New X-Men has been a fun ride so far, and as it continues we get a Cyclops-centric issue, young Cyclops that is not the uber-douche that is present day Scott Summers. Even though I generally don’t Cyclops no matter what time period he’s from, this was a really good read. Mystic’s interaction with the young X-Man was fun, and really makes you wonder how much of what she said was her true feelings and how much was just to start a war. If this book keeps delivering the way it has it will easily be staying at the top of my read pile each month. So far every issue has had a different feel to it, this one wasn’t nearly as emotional as the last but still managed to make you feel bad for these young mutants torn from there lives and brought to a world that may hate them more than it ever did before.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Avengers #5
Creators: Hickman – Kubert – Martin
Marvel Comics
Just last week I was talking about the potential Avengers had and how I just didn’t see it. I was bored with the Hyperion story they were telling and the 3 issues before that really weren’t all that much better. Issue 5 started to redeem it a bit. With the last two issues we’ve had heroes that aren’t as well known as we’re use to being spotlighted. And while the Hyperion issues just didn’t flow and was pretty boring, this Smasher issue actually had some heart and felt like more of a connection to the Avengers. At this point I’m assuming we’ve got several more of these pseudo one shots coming detailing the rise of these lesser known heroes. That’s really not such a bad thing, but lets hope they’re not all left with these slight cliffhangers, or in the case of issue 4 major ones. At least this issue feel like it’s worth buying, even if it’s a stand alone one in your collection it’s a decent read. With a twice monthly shipping schedule these ‘origin’ books should go by quick enough and hopefully Hickman will start to hit his stride after that and we’ll see why these guys are being considered the Earths Mightiest Heroes.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Iron Man #6
Creators: Gillen – Land – Leisten – Guru
Marvel Comics
To me, issue 6 is where Iron Man should have started. Matt Fraction ended his run with Tony taking off in a fancy new suit and heading for space. Gillen started his run with Tony having a fancy new suit and facing down a bunch of earth threats for 5 issues. That 5th issue ended almost identical to Fractions though, with Tony taking off to explore the universe and in a sense, get back to his roots. It’ll also be helping to setup the new Guardians of the Galaxy book but that’s a different story. This was a huge improvement over the first 5 issues of Iron Man, and while it’s still not perfect it’s still better. Not much action happens in this issue, but we see where Tony is and what he’s doing. It’s also the setup for this whole Godkiller story arc, and while I’m a bit tired of the Phoenix at this point I’m going to stick around and see how this plays out.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
New Avengers #3
Creators: Hickman – Epting – Magyar – D’Armata
Marvel Comics
Is it weird that I really miss Luke Cage, Wolverine, and Iron Fist? I’ve got the same problems with this book that I’ve had since the first issue it’s not really the New Avengers, there’s nothing really new about this. While issue 3 has probably been the best out of the bunch it’s just enough to make me care. I like the introduction of Beast to the group, and the way they handle the Infinity Gems and what not. It’s still just not fun, and the Avengers should be fun to read.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 5/10
Secret Avengers #37 (Final Issue Kinda)
Creators: Remender – Scalera – Wilson
Marvel Comics
The final issue of the first volume of Secret Avengers is here folks. It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride with a lot of different takes on this series. I loved how it started, but it definitely wasn’t a smooth ride to this issue. Rick Remender had an interesting take on this book and it was very supernaturally which wasn’t my favorite part, but it was still interesting. Overall this final story seemed to drag on just a bit to long. This issue jumped around a bit more than I would have liked too, and the while a lot of things got wrapped up, I would have liked a bit more closure on some of the plot points. Or at least a better explanation, it just sorta ends, and it’s terrible when that happens. . .
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 6/10
Superior Spider-Man #3
Creators: Slott – Stegman – Delgado
Marvel Comics
Superior Spider-Man 3 was the first issue since Otto became Spidey that I feel like he’s coming into his own. Issue 2 ended on kind of a downer, but with a big revelation about his character too. Issue 3 continues to develop Otto has this unlikely hero. Yes he’s different then Pete, and he may not truly be a superior Spider-Man, but he’s been far more heroic, and human than the character ever was in the past. We get to see some of Otto’s past and see that even while he was a villain he kinda had a heart and to an extent even had friends…well kinda. It hurts a bit to say this, but this issue could have been even better if ghost Pete wasn’t involved. His part in this issue at least wasn’t as intrusive into the story and actually helped shed light on Otto’s past both as Doc Ock, and as a child. I’m really looking forward to seeing the consequences finally catching up to Otto who even himself realizes he’s taking things to far and not acting like Peter Parker.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20
Creators: Bendis – Pichelli – Ponsor
Marvel Comics
I’m a little shocked to say that I’m really started to like Ultimate Comics Spider-Man again. I haven’t loved this series since Ultimatium, and since Miles took over as the Ultimate Spider-Man I just haven’t been feeling it. The issues were missing something important that I was never able to put a word to. Miles wasn’t an unlikable character, he just wasn’t likable either. . . Really he just didn’t have much character, he did the same thing over and over, and his origin was a little to similar to Peter Parker’s. With the past few issues this series is finally starting to feel like it use to. Yea it’s got a different supporting cast and that’s just fine, I’m hoping we get more character actually because Ganke is kind of annoying.
Now about this issue, it picks up where 19 left off with Venom showing up. Obviously Miles fights him and that’s kinda fun. Venom is such an iconic Spider-Man villain and it’s been a long time since we properly saw him in the Ultimate Universe that this is a good way to push Miles fully into this world. That said, I’ve got to complain a bit and throw up a spoiler alert, so if you don’t want anything ruined skip to the Verdict.
I’m getting pretty tired of the venom sting thing being the be all end all attack when Miles is in a bind. At this point he seems to have a pretty good grasp of his powers and I really don’t see him forgetting he has it like it was stated in this issue. If it’s that strong just use the damn thing right away, I know this is a bit nit picky but it’s just silly at this point too.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Venom #31
Creators: Bunn – Shalvey – Loughridge
Marvel Comics
Flash is 100% in Philly now, and it actually led to a pretty good issue. The last arc wasn’t all that great, but this issue which had Flash actually making the move to Philly was mostly a good break from all the super hero-ing he’s been doing lately. His goodbyes to friends and family in New York were a nice addition to show us this isn’t just a super hero trying to protect people. It’s Flash trying to get his life together and do good at the same time. His Patrol scenes were actually pretty funny too, I hope to see more of those in future issues. And as a great setup for coming issues we had two interesting reveals near the end. One directly effected by Flash, the other by another character we recently saw was doing. . . Alright? If you haven’t been reading Venom this issue is as good as any to start. It’s a fresh start for the main character so why not jump aboard now before the shit hits the fan as it’s bound to do.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Winter Soldier #15
Creators: Latour – Klein
Marvel Comics
I was a bit nervous that Winter Soldier would lose it’s edge with the creative team switch. It’s a normal thing, when books change writers and even artists there can be a lull while the new guys try to find the voice of the character. Well that wasn’t really what happened in Winter Solider, issue 15 continues in a pretty similar fashion to the previous ones. That’s not such a bad thing, but it also means this new team doesn’t know how they want to write Bucky which may end up being a problem. It’s definitely a tough character, Ed Brubaker brought him back from the dead and has pretty much had a monopoly on him for almost a decade. I’m ok if we have a few transition issues while Latour gets his feet wet, but he needs to find his own groove for this character or the book is going to start suffering. I know this all sounds negative, and that’s unfortunate because it was actually a decent issue. Bucky is in a pretty bad place since last issue and in classic Marvel fashion Nick Fury shows up to set him straight. Or at least set him on the path to doing some good instead of being self destructive.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #5
Creators: Shand – Watts – Filardi – Metcalfe
Zenescope Entertainment
All 5 issues of Robyn Hood have been a spectacular read. The story was interesting and kept you wanting more right up to the end of issue 5, and even after! The pacing was great too, so many limited series like this have a weird time keeping itself interesting and fitting all the necessary plot into so few issues. Robyn certainly didn’t suffer from any of those problems. This final issue of her Zenescope debut sees the heroine finish her journey in mist, for now anyway, and make her way back home. There’s action, and some comedy, and a whole lot of revenge! Obviously it would be silly to pick up this issue if you haven’t read it yet, so go pick them all up and read the whole series it’s worth it.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10