Take It Or Leave It – April 3, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
We’re back with another Take It Or Leave It, this week is a little light on full reviews, but there are a few extra Quick Shots at the bottom! This week we’ve got reviews on books like Action Comics, All-New X-Men, and the first part of a BIG event, Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Unleashed #0! So lets get started already.
Alphabetical by Publisher
DC Comics | Image Comics
Marvel Comics | Zenescope Entertainment | Quick Shots
Action Comics #19
Last week I tried out Superman, and was unimpressed and bored by it. I figured though, if I’m giving the Man of Steel a shot I might as well check out the book that started it all. Now this isn’t my first experience with Action Comics, I read the first 6 or 7 issues back when the New 52 first started and boy was that a bad time. I’ll probably be making some folks pretty angry, but I just don’t like Grant Morrison’s stuff, it’s overrated and way to convoluted for it’s own good, especially with a fresh start. So anyway, about Action Comics 19, I didn’t hate it. In fact it was kind of enjoyable. There was some decent ‘normal people’ stuff going on at the beginning with Clark and Lois, followed by plenty of Superman being super. If you’ve been wanting to read a Superman book, and don’t feel like waiting for Unchained this June, Action Comics looks like it’ll be the place to go. The downside is even with it being the better of the Superman books, it’s still not all that great. Sure it’s better than the self titled Superman book was, but it’s still just not a good time.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 5/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Green Arrow #19
Green Arrow 18 was interesting, and 19 continues right where it left off. There’s a fun archer vs. archer . . .vs. archer showdown and Oliver is definitely not the best of the bunch. I don’t really know where it’s going, but I know it’s going to end up in the desert sooner or later, and I’m alright with that. I said it last month, and I’ll say it this month. If you want a book about an archer, read Hawkguy, if you want a second book about an archer than give this current run of Green Arrow a shot, Jeff Lemire seems to know what he’s doing!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Green Lantern #19
Oh Green Lantern, how you continue to baffle me and make me wonder if I’m enjoying you or not. I really want this whole Wrath of the First Lantern story to finish up already, it seems like it’s been going on forever. BUT at the same time that will be the end of an era and I want to see Johns leave the book just yet. It’s a real pain in the ass. Aside from that I’ll admit issue 19 was pretty good, better than a lot of this Wrath stuff so far. Sinestro is such a flawed character, but even when he’s a huge asshole he’s still, in his mind, doing what’s right. Next month this all wraps up, and with all the build up this is going to be one everyone should read, all the more reason to pick up issue 19 while you’re waiting.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Son of Merlin #3
We’re passing the half way point of Son of Merlin, and it’s definitely starting to heat up. I’ve made it no secret that I’ve enjoyed this series, and if you’re into the whole fantasy, magic, mythology thing that it’s got going on you’ll love it. Simon and Gwen were left in a pretty crappy situation last month. And boy do they have plenty more of those. This story has a lot of superhero elements going on, but it’s not a superhero book. I think that’s part of the appeal. If you’re one of those people who’s only ever read books about people running around in capes and tights than this is a perfect place to start to cross over into some other genre’s without being totally out of your comfort zone.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
All-New X-Men #10
I wasn’t original going to talk about All-New X-Men, but than I read the issue and just had to! Cyclops, the crazy one that killed Professor X, and his group showed up at the Jean Grey School. We knew all that already, it happened last issue. This issue though he made his claim, and as much as I hate to admit it, he’s a compelling guy, like the Governor from The Walking Dead (the show anyway). Everything he says makes perfect sense, and the anger that all of the other ‘good guys’ have towards him is completely justifiable too. It’s tough, as fans we’re all about picking sides and cheering on who we feel is the hero. But what happens when that’s not a clear line. I felt like during AvX it was made pretty clear that Cyclops was in the wrong, but now that’s not such an clear line. Oh and what a cliffhanger, next issue can’t come soon enough!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Indestructible Hulk #6
This has been a book a lot of fans have been waiting for. Walter Simonson brings his classic artist style to what is probably one of the best Hulk runs since Planet Hulk. It’s a fun story, and I love how Waid was able to wrap the story around Simonson’s classic portrayals of these iconic heroes like the Hulk and Thor. And that’s not all there is to this, there’s still all the wonderful over arching plots that have been running through the series since the beginning, and each issue it feels like we’re getting a little closer to the big reveal. If you’ve been missing out on Indestructible Hulk now’s the time to knock that off and get on board, you won’t be sorry.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Superior Spider-Man #7
I feel like this may be the beginning of the end for our Superior Spider-Man. The Avengers have finally confronted him about his attitude change. . . at least someone is finally saying something. And they were frankly on the right track, wanting to run tests to determine if that really was Pete or not. Obviously Otto couldn’t let that happen and in his usually douchey self fights it. Oh and incase you think that’s all there is to this issue, we’ve also got the return of Cardiac, and ghost Pete actually makes some sense being there this time!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood Vs. Red Riding Hood #1
This has been getting hyped for a while from Zenescope, and for good reason, it was a great way to bring two of their popular characters together. And it set up the sequel for Robyn Hood, titled Robyn Hood Wanted, perfectly. The issue spent most of it’s time jumping back and forth between Robyn whose on the run after the crimes she’s committed, and trying to blend in, and Red who has decided to use her. . . skills to make the world a better place. This one shot had just the right amount of humor, action, and drama. And made you frustrated during most of the confrontation in just the right ways. It was like watching a movie when two ‘good guys’ are fighting each other because of a misunderstanding. Well it’s not like that, it is that. Even without that bit though it was a solid issue and any fan of Red Riding Hood or Robyn Hood from the Grimm Universe shouldn’t miss out on this.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Unleashed #0
If the previous book was hyped for a while, than I don’t even know what to say about this one. Unleashed is the newest event coming out of Zenescope and it’s building up to be pretty awesome. Introducing a whole new element to the already crazy Grimm Universe, along with some new characters that are shopping up to be stellar additions to their roster. This 0 issue sets us up with a little history lesson before throwing us head first into the full event with issue #1. I know big crossover events usually aren’t that good, and they end up costing a lot to see the whole story. I’ve gotta say though everything I’ve read up till now about Unleashed and it’s tie-in’s has got me thinking it’ll be well worth the cover price to see how this adventure plays out.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Quick Shots is exactly as it sounds, a quick review of a book. Just a quick couple sentence feel of the book and our verdict. So enjoy! |
Bedlam #6
I’m torn on this issue, so far I’ve really enjoyed Bedlam, but issue 6 just didn’t do it for me the way the rest have. The ‘conclusion’ just seemed a bit to simple, so you knew there was more, and it ended on a bit of a weird note.
– Leave It
Witchblade #165
Sara is dealing with a lot of. . . stuff right now, especially after what went down in the Progeny story line. We do get to see her back in NYC and what her life’s like without her past with Jackie.
– Take It
Age of Ultron #4
Age of Ultron is finally in full swing with all our heroes from the previous issues getting some face time, and not always in a good way. I’m genuinely looking forward to see where this goes next.
– Take It
Ultimate Comics X-Men #25
I’m still not liking the art in the book, it’s just not the same quality as previous issues, but the story is still moving along and keeping me interested. Especially with the more front and center role of a certain redhead, I can’t wait to see what Brian Wood does with all the threads he’s pulling on right now.
– Take It
Venom #33
Venom continues to be one of the better books out each month, and with the confrontation with Toxin getting closer and closer I can’t wait to see how Flash deals with not only his past, but with the Symbiot’s too.
– Take It
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Jungle Book Last of the Speicies #2
This Jungle Book sequel continues on in issue two, and is still better than the sequel to the Disney film! A lot goes on here, and I definitely wouldn’t want to miss it if you’ve been following along so far!
– Take It
Reviewed By: Chris