Take It Or Leave It – April 17, 2013

Welcome to Take It Or Leave It, where each week we pick out some of that week’s newest comics and give you our opinion on whether it was worth the price and you should take it, or if it was better left sitting on the shelf.
Last week was a bit of a bust sorry about that, this week though we’re back with all kind of comic booky goodness! Spider-Man is saving things, and Nightwing is saving things, and the Justice League are. . . having dates. Yeah so maybe not as epic but still a lot of great books hit the stands this week so lets see how many are actually worth your dollars.
Alphabetical by Publisher
Boom! Studios | DC Comics | IDW Publishing
Image Comics | Marvel Comics | Zenescope Entertainment | Quick Shots
Justice League #19
Outside of Batman I’m not a big DC reader, lately though I’ve been trying to broaden reading by including some books that I’m frankly not all that familiar with. Now Justice League isn’t something totally new to me, I read the first 9 issues back when the New 52 started. I thought that opening arc where they all first came together was actually pretty cool at first, but by the end it just lost my attention. So fast forward about a year later and we’re up to issue 19. Throne of Atlantis is over and the League is looking to expand. . .that’s cool and all. They added a few members last issue, but this one is more about Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. And you know what, it was actually pretty good, the issue gets started right away with things going bad, and they just continue to not be awesome for anyone involved. This actually has me interested to see where they’re going with it, enough to keep reading even! I guess with Geoff Johns leaving Green Lantern, I have somewhere else to turn.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Nightwing #19
Well the big plus in this issue for me is that we’ve got another new artist on the book, who doesn’t draw faces all weird and old looking. On the downside Dick is no longer part of the Gotham Vigilante scene. Do you think they had a going away party for him and just didn’t invite Batman? Like when a character gets killed off The Walking Dead. That’s beside the point though, what I want to talk about is the fact that he moved to Chicago with apparently almost no money. Now I get it he doesn’t want to ask Bruce for help, but being that he is through adoption a Wayne, he should just have lots of money all over the place. Sure he spent a lot of it with the whole circus ordeal but when you’re that kind of rich it doesn’t matter. Tim Drake has tons of cash, look at his resources in Teen Titans he buys a Cruise Ship for the team! Now on top of that he’s got a roommate, and I’m sorry but how dumb is this guy going to have to be to not piece together that the guy renting the room from him and a masked vigilante, also from Gotham moved to town on the SAME DAY. Alright alright, all that aside it was a good issue, and at least started setting up some new supporting characters for Nightwing. I’m a little worried though that this whole Tony Zucco thing is going to drag out to long, because without that what other reason is there to stay in Chicago. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see where Kyle Higgins takes the book.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Red Hood and the Outlaws #19
Red Hood and the Outlaws is a little hard for me to really give a full opinion on. I just started reading it and caught up in about a week so I could be ready for this issue. The problem with that is I got the entire story so far really fast, and that tends to blur your judgment a bit. Sure a book may be awesome when you know the whole thing, but how about when you waited a month for the next part and got let down by it? Outside of that, I have enjoyed it, Jason, Roy, and Kori are an interesting group, and while the story hasn’t always made a ton of sense, it’s been entertaining. That’s all you really need from a comic book though, decent entertainment. So how about this issue 19, well it’s a little strange as it opens up telling us to see what happened to lead Jason to this point in an issue of Batman and Red Hood that doesn’t come out till next month. So that’s a bit annoying right away, but it’s no different than a flash back I suppose. Really my biggest problem with this issue was the art, I think Tynion does an alright job with the script taking over from Lobdell, but Gopez just doesn’t do it for me. It’s very inconsistent and some of the way body parts are drawn just don’t look right. If you can get past the art though this sets up for what should be an interesting story arc that could cause some really major changes to this “Not-A-Team”.
Verdict: Take It
Reviewed By:Chris
Hoax Hunters #9
Go back and read past Take It Or Leaves It’s and you’ll see I’m a fan of Hoax Hunters, it’s a fun series and definitely a different type of comic then we’re use to. Issue 9 added to that by giving us two different perspectives on the story. The “TV” version of what this fictional series would have aired, and then on the flip side what really went down. There’s quite a few subtle things that while you read part one may think is a mistake, but then you quickly find out it was all part of the real story. I really just can’t say enough good things about this book, if you haven’t read it yet, issue 9 is actually a great place to start! So get to it already!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 9/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Age Of Ulton #6
Age of Ultron continues to move along with a very fast release schedule. Frankly if every event comic could get done this way I think I’d be a little more okay with them. Not that it’s been without faults, but 10 issues, shipped in just a few months, with limited tie-ins, has been a great way to do this. Really the big complain with it would be that the tie-in’s just don’t bring enough to the greater story, which I guess makes a bit of sense since no one but Bendis, and a few other Marvel bigwigs know what the hell this is leading to. Anyway, issue 6 has two different focus’ the primary is Wolverine and a ‘surprise’ partner in the past preparing to stop Henry Pym from ever making Ultron, no matter what. The other is the group from last issue going into the future to try and bring Ultron down for good. The whole time travel thing like this doesn’t always work, and while it’s not the best use of it here it does help to further the story along, well in the past anyway. Our future traveling heroes don’t really do much but comment on how everything isn’t how they expected. Wolverine and his PIC on the other hand track down Pym and have one hell of an emotionally charged struggle.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Superior Spider-Man #8
Boy oh boy, Dan Slott just keeps piling it on with this book. One page I absolutely hate Doctor Spidey, and in the next I’m thinking he’s not such a bad dude after all. Come on he’s better than that little douche Alpha, sure he’s gone a little too far a few times, but that’s the learning curve when you’ve never had this kind of power. Pete’s had it for years, and had a way better upbringing and life and then Otto did. And then just when you’re like “Okay I’m alright with you again” He goes and does something else douchey and you have to hate him and want the real Pete back! This issue picks up right where issue 7 left off with Spidey confronting the Avengers and obviously not getting his way. I was hoping something more would come out of this, but in the end it wasn’t all that great. We did get a nice look at what Carly has been up to since she’s had her suspicions about who’s really in control of Spider-Man. The real ‘meat’ of the story though still revolves around Cardiac and the fact that Otto is a jerk and nearly let a scared little girl die just because he didn’t want to share. Granted in the end he did the right thing and actually did it for the right reasons. Next issue is the big one though, the one that’s going to make us angrier than Amazing Spider-Man 700 according to the Solicitations, so who’s putting money on Pete getting control again? Or maybe they get a Doctor Jekyll / Mister Hyde thing going and keep switching back and forth. Man the possibilities are endless, guess we’ll all have to wait for the next issue!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #3
I was really excited for this book, I liked Ultimate Wolverine, and I use to love the limited series that came out of the Ultimate Universe. Now though, it’s just a sad shadow of it’s former self. This book is bad, like super bad. The story isn’t good, characterization is bad, and we’re seeing characters that haven’t been used since Nick Spencer launched Ultimate Comics X-Men back in 2011. And on top of that the art is just terrible, I still can’t get over how bad it looks like Jimmy or Wolverine pop their claws it’s just bad. I could probably do better and I have trouble drawing stick figures. Man I don’t think I’ve been this disappointed and put off by a comic in. . . well ever, even Ultimate X wasn’t this bad and that was 5 issue and took a year to finish! There really isn’t any redeeming this title now, don’t even bother trying it out.
Verdict: Leave It
Score: 1/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Wolverine And The X-Men #27AU
I read some other reviews for this issue that weren’t to flattering. I feel like people were expecting something different from it and honestly I was too. The cover is super misleading, but what you do end up finding is a pretty good event comic tie-in. First things first though, if you’re reading this issue, and Age of Ultron 6, make sure to read this one second, meaning read Age of Ultron #6 first. This issue takes place between the pages of the other. Nothing from Age of Ultron 6 will spoil this book, but reading this one first could spoil some stuff in the other. Anyway, as you’ve probably guessed after reading that other book this one focus’ on Wolverine and Invisible Woman on their trip to the past. It’s the actually trip from Savage Land to NYC, since all we saw previous was them leaving Savage Land and then being in Manhattan. Now this doesn’t add a ton of stuff to the overall story, but it’s a nice way to show what’s happening on the journey, and how Sue and Logan both end up at the outcome they do. I love some of the time travely humor going on too. If you’ve been avoiding the tie-in’s to Age of Ultron I’d say give this one a shot, it’s probably the best so far.
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Grimm Fairy Tales #84
I think I mentioned before I’m not a huge Grimm Fairy Tales ongoing fan, it’s not that it’s bad, it’s just I’m so far behind it’s hard to catch up. But I don’t mind giving it a shot now and then to see if I can find a good jumping on point. While last issue had what I’m assuming were references to earlier issues that I didn’t get, issue 84 is all it’s own. One of the things I do really like about the Grimm Fairy Tales series is the twists they throw on the actual stories that are told. This issue features Jack Frost, and quite an interesting history for the legend of this well known winter mischief maker. And boy is he not the slick Chris Pine voiced character from Rise of the Guardians. I did feel like the whole thing got wrapped up a little to fast though, but hopefully after the Unleashed crossover Sela will be back in her current role and we can get some more interesting, easy to follow stories!
Verdict: Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Quick Shots is exactly as it sounds, a quick review of a book. Just a quick couple sentence feel of the book and our verdict. So enjoy! |
Fanboys Vs. Zombies #13
Fanboys Vs. Zombies continues to deliver helpings of comedy and zombie killing in just the right amounts. This issue didn’t have quite as many nerdy references, but that’s alright it was still a fun time!
Verdict – Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Ghostbusters #3
Ghostbusters continues to be a bright spot in the comics releases each month. Keeping the feel of the previous series, while making these new characters feel like a welcome change.
Verdict – Take It
Score: 7/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Iron Man #8
This second arc of the Marvel Now! Iron Man was a huge improvement over the first, but it still felt a bit flat. There was some great build up with the arena and how that could have ended, but nothing ever really came of it. On the bright side there was a nice “Oh Snap” ending, hopefully the next arc delivers more of that and less of the other stuff.
Verdict – Leave It
Score: 6/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Nova #3
Nova has been a fun ride so far, and I’m looking forward to see where Sam goes from here. And I can’t forget to mention that main Marvel Universe introduction of an Ultimate Universe villain. Let’s keep hope that Jeph Loeb doesn’t start bringing this book down like he has with so many others in recent years. . . I’m looking at you Ultimate X.
Verdict – Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Savage Wolverine #4
Just don’t even bother, if you wanted the book for Wolverine he’s not in it much. If you wanted it for something other than Wolverine than it gets ruined when he finally does show up. It’s sad to say that a book staring Wolverine is better without him.
Verdict – Leave It
Score: 4/10
Reviewed By: Chris
Venom #34
FINALLY! A confrontation between Venom and Toxin! We’ve been seeing the buildup for this over the last several months and it’s finally here. While it was the greatest fight ever, it definitely got the job done and opened up a whole new can of worms for Flash to deal with.
Verdict – Take It
Score: 8/10
Reviewed By: Chris